Agile Training
Brief Introduction
Agile is the most common project model. With focus on an iterative and incremental approach to software development, Agile uses short 2-4 week cycles for their development and releases updates on software at the end of each sprint.
Agile is great for accommodating projects that are changing regularly and need early consumer feedback. Specifically, Agile follows this manifesto:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Within agile, there are also common subtypes that assist with implementation. Those subtypes include scrum, extreme programming, and kanban.
The Data Mine Corporate Partners cohort has a goal for all projects to follow the scrum framework.
But it’s important to note that there is not a "one size fits all" approach to Scrum, but with preparation, communication, transparency, practice, and deidcation, the Scrum framework may prove to guide your projects toward a successful outcome.

Miro Agile Activity
This activity hopes to give you a better understanding of the agile framework for your project.
Task: Design and build a new building for The Data Mine
Unless otherwise instructed, split your team evenly into 2 groups.
There should be 3-9 people per group.
Each sub team should have a Miro project board.
Work together and communicate as a team in their own breakout room.
Product owners have developed a backlog of tasks. Your sub team will be responsible for allocating work in an Agile methodology and executing the tasks.
However, there are a few caveats…
Your team will need to identify and deliver the minimum viable product (MVP)
You will need to work with the product owner to clarify requests tasks in the backlog.
You may not be able to complete all of the tasks on the backlog with the time and materials provided (you will need to negotiate with the PO!).
Remember, product owners can also change their minds – you may need to be flexible if you build something and they don’t like it.
Creativity is encouraged! A Lego can represent anything as long as it is explained (and communication is a key part of Agile!)
A Data Mine staff member or your TA will act as the product owner for this activity.
All team members will act as developers
Sprint Timeline
Sprint Planning (4 minutes)
Choosing what tasks to do during the sprint, estimating time/distributing work, and working with the product owner to clarify tasks.
Sprint (8 minutes)
Work time in which the product owner is not actively working with you.
Sprint Review (3 minutes)
Present work from the sprint to the product owner and get feedback.
Retrospective (2 minutes)
Discuss what went right, what went wrong, and how you can fix issues in the next sprint (e.g., how you collaborate, estimating time required for tasks, etc.)
Repeat! (3x)
Product Backlog Tasks
It is important to be accommodating to students and visitors with disabilities.
It is important that the building be built to be as "green" and energy efficient as possible.
As we are on Purdue’s campus, we need to show Purdue pride with our decorations.
Students should feel safe in and outside the building. It is important to incorporate safety features in the building.
Many of the tasks teams will work on are confidential (required NDAs) so it is necessary that there are private meeting areas.
It is important that there are offices for the Data Mine staff.
Students will need a lot of spaces to work collaboratively wth their groups - it is important that the is building has plenty of areas for teams to work.
We would like to have a large area for students to gather all at one time for seminar, outside events, student activities, etc.
As we work with lots of companies, it is important we have a nice reception area for visiting corporate partners.
Most teams will work primarily on laptops - we need to have lots of places for people to charge their computers.
Dr. Ward has a lot of Data Science reference books (available for students to check out and borrow) and needs a place to store them with easy access.
We would like to have a space for visitors (visiting scholars, corporate partners, etc.) to stay overnight.
We would like to be able to get food within the building, so we don’t have to go outside if there is bad weather.
Sometimes you need to take a walk to clear your mind before coming back to a problem. It would be nice to have a green space to walk around.
There will be a lot of meetings between corporate partners and students - we need to have a good IT infrastructure.
The Data Mine staff needs to stay caffeinated - we would like to be able to get a coffee or tea within the building.
A lot of the students will walk to this building. It is important that the outside areas be pedestrian friendly.
It would be nice to have a way for students and staff to exercise within the building.
A lot of students use bikes to get around campus. We will need a place for students to store their bikes when visiting the building.
As parking is always at a premium at Purdue, we would like to have dedicated parking spots for staff and visitors.
As we work on cutting-edge technologies, the building must be high tech.
We know the Data Mine students are going to be successful - we would like to display the accomplishments of TDM alumni.
To better integrate the building on Purdue’s campus, we would like it to be on the path for fountain runs.
Several of the corporate partner projects involve working with hardware in addition to software. We would like to have a maker space.
It is very important to keep a space clean and tidy.
As more cars are starting to be electric, we need a place to charge electric cars.
Download these resources to lead the Agile Activity:
Agile Activity Facilitator Guide
Agile Activity Instructions
Duplicate this Miro Whiteboard for Agile Activity